about me

I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies at the University of New Mexico, and the Director of the Center for the Advancement of Spatial Informatics Research & Education. I was previously was a research fellow in the Disaster Analytics for Society Lab at the Asian School of the Environment (ASE) at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in Singapore. I am interested in disaster science, interdisciplinary research, and STEM education. Throughout my academic career, I have worn many hats in various fields of application: renewable energy, earthquake engineering, seakeeping and stability in the Arctic, and natural hazards and community- and regional- scale risk. Underpinning all of these applications are an appreciation of complex systems, human-enviroment interactions, sensitivity analysis, uncertainty quantification, and scientific communication.  For more information on this and other past projects, check out my research page. 

I believe in intentional teaching and active learning in order to prepare the most capable scientists, engineers, and citizens of the future, and have sought after the opportunity to teach as much as possible along the way, both within the university and also at local K-12 schools. You can find more about the courses I have been involved with at my teaching page. 

Along with research and teaching, I am an active member of my academic, local, and professional communities, including EERI and AGU's Science and Society Section and Natural Hazards Section

In the rest of my time, I enjoy traveling, cooking, being outside (running, biking, climbing, backpacking), reading, and exercising the creative half of my brain. 

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2018: Cornell University, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, PhD in Structural Engineering.

2014: University of Colorado Boulder, Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering, MS in Structural Engineering. 

2011: Thayer School of Engineering at Dartmouth College, BE in Mechanical Engineering.

2011: Dartmouth College, AB in Engineering Sciences and Asian Studies. 

academic appointments and industry employment

awards and honors

membership, skills, training, and certifications